The Thin Green Line

Like most of us I have lots to worry about in my own little corner of the world,  but every now and then I’m reminded of the bigger picture. The other nite we watched The Thin Green Line on the PBS series Nature and got some more bad news.  It seems frog populations all around the world are dying out as humans encroach on their natural habitats,  and continue to pollute the environment and contribute to the global warming that’s throwing the earth’s ecosystems out of...

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Mr. October

Recently my friends Pat and David and I were planning a reunion for our old teaching colleagues at Jane Addams,  the small inner-city high school where we first met in the 1980s.   Pat was our principal then and she was justifiably proud of the school,  described by the local press as “an ossis in the south Bronx”.  And indeed the blight and devastation in the neighborhood was countered by the warm,  nurturing environment within the school,   and by the achievements of our...

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