Poke-nook, the Lost Glove and My Cousin Isly

Our filmmaker friend Arnie Reisman is a regular panelist on Says You, a witty NPR radio show about words.  I’ve learned a lot from Arnie and his literate pals.  For example,  did you know that the dark, cavernous corner of a woman’s handbag is called a poke- nook?  Remember that word. Now do you remember last winter I blogged about losing one of my green gloves when I pulled it off quickly to answer my cell phone?  (See Lost Glove,  Nov. 30,  2013). At the time I worried that...

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Parlez-vous francais?

My husband is an excellant linguist and speaks French beautifully.  His Hungarian-speaking mother and German-speaking father met and fell in love in Paris in 1937,  and two years later they fled Europe together on the cusp of World War II.  They took their common language – French – with them,  and Danny learned it as a child. It happens I studied French in both high school and college,  but I must admit I’ve always spoken it poorly,  or as Danny would ungraciously tell...

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