
Gift of the Marzipan Magi

Our friend John’s parents,  like my husband Danny’s,  fled Europe in the late 1930s as the Nazi horror was unfolding.   John’s folks went first to Shanghai,  and then on to the States,  where a few months later John was born.  (“I was made in China.”  he’ll tell you.)

During that same torturous time Danny’s parents sailed to South America and settled in Bolivia where Danny was born,  before they too immigrated to the States.

Both families adjusted to their new American lives, and sent their sons to the local schools. But of course at home they kept many of their European tastes and sensibilities, and John and Danny had each been imbued with an appreciation for fine chocolate, rich pastry, and all things confectionery .

One day we were driving past a favorite candy shop when Danny stopped the car, went in, and soon came out with two boxes.  “I bought some marzipan for us and some for John too, I know he loves it.” Danny said.

From the car I called John intending to say we had something for him and would stop by. His wife Midge answered,  said John was out, but he’d come over to our house later as by chance he had something for Danny.

An hour later our doorbell rang. There was John, and under his arm – a box of marzipan.

– Dana Susan Lehrman



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