My father – six years older than my mother – died in his early 80s. (See My Dad) My mom, who it seemed had never been sick a day in her life, developed a heart condition after he died and survived him by less than three years. (See My Game Mother, Still Life and Fluffy and the Alligator Shoes) In fact it seemed she’d been prescient about her own mortality. After his death she became depressed and when we reminded her how much she still had to live for – her...
When I was growing up my parents had a housekeeper named Odessa. She was a tall and stately-looking Black woman, and I adored her. In the mornings before my mother left for work Odessa arrived, made sure I finished my breakfast, and walked me the few blocks to school. And at 3:00 she’d be there to walk me home, and I’ll regale her with all that happened in school that day. Our Bronx house had three stories – my father’s medical office was on the first floor, and...
Friends, Oops! Forgive the tech snafu in the earlier email you received about my newest blog post entitled MY BELOVED BASEMENT. The error was mine! You can read the new story on the blog at Or once on the blog scroll down and click MARCH 2023 for the 2 March posts. Thanx and enjoy the read! Dana
I’ve written before about 2026 McGraw Avenue, the house in the Bronx where I grew up, and in my mind’s eye I can still see every room, nook and cranny. (See Parkchester, Celebrate Me Home, Fluffy, or How I Got My Dog, Mr Bucco and the Ginger Cat , and 2026 McGraw) And now I even think wistfully about the basement. Our basement had no TV or “entertainment center”, no wet-bar, and no fancy exercise equipment. In those days if you wanted exercise you took a walk...
When I was growing up we lived on a shady street in the Bronx. Several doctors and dentists had offices on our block and my dad was one of them. He was a GP who practiced on the ground floor of our three-story house and we lived on the two upper floors “over the store”. (See Fluffy, or How I Got My Dog and The Corpse in the Office) For many years a dentist named Ben rented space in my dad’s office. Ben was a wonderfully kind and gentle man and he and his wife Eleanor became my...