For several summers in our married-without-children years we rented a beach house with our good friends J and K. After a few years our friends – serious fishermen by then – opted for the mountains instead and bought a house near a trout stream. (See Catskill Weekend)
We rented that wonderful beach house by ourselves for another summer or two, and after our son Noah was born, and before we moved on to summer houses in other climes, we continued to rent it for a few more years. (See The Great Hampton Babysitter Heist)
In fact we potty-trained Noah on that Hampton beach by letting him frolic in the sand and the water without a bathing suit or diaper. The theory was without his diaper he’d be more aware of his pressing needs. We’d then have teachable moments and could rush him to the beach toilets, and as I remember the strategy worked!
Of course we were responsible parents by then, so it was only our toddler who went skinny dipping. But thinking back to those earlier, carefree summers at the beach house with J and K . . . that’s another story.
– Dana Susan Lehrman
Glad the idea worked.
Thanx Karlan, I’m sure at the time I was delighted!
Wish I had known that technique.
Yes, too bad Judy, but am sure by now your daughter is good!
They all to seem to get toilet trained more easily over the summer.
We used the same technique in our back yard!!
Smart move Helen!
I don’t remember much about how we potty trained our kids, but I do remember having relatives over for dinner when Laura was in the process, and she proudly carried her potty full of poop to show everyone around the dinner table. Our quick thinking guests, said, “Oh, what a big girl!”
Brava Laura, she must write that up!
Nothing beats nature and the outdoors for children growing up. Sending you all much love xx
Smart Mommy!
Guess that’s me!
Thanx Claudia! I hope we can get over to see you all again one of these fine days! xox
I’ll keep your method in mind for my next lifetime.
Good idea, Marlene!