I had ankle fusion surgery this past week and must thank my great surgeon and the Beth Israel Hospital nursing staff for their good care. But all things medical only serve to remind me of the best doc in the world, my dad. My father Arthur graduated from NYU medical school in 1936 at age 24, yes 24! Raised in Liberty, NY where my Russian immigrant grandparents had a small farm and hotel, my dad went to a one-room schoolhouse for the early grades. He was skipped ahead often, he...
Let’s face it, I’m addicted to my iPhone and I walk down the street with it in my hand, waiting for heaven knows what important call or text or email. But with the weather changing I’ve discovered you can’t use an iPhone while wearing gloves. I guess a human touch is needed which is actually kind of sweet. So now when I’m out and it rings, I have to pull off one of my gloves. The trouble is if I stuff the glove in my pocket or my bag, or drop it on my...
What’s more fun than a new kitten! (See JACKIE CAT, Nov 18, 2013) But they do require some serious training so the day we brought ours home from the ASPCA we read him the house rules – don’t bite the hand that feeds you, keep your paws off the house plants, and please sleep in your own little wicker cat bed. But came nightfall the pitter- patter of four little feet on the quilt told me Jackie Cat had his own ideas about the house rules. For there I was stuck in...
Like all pet-lovers, when our pussycat died we were heartbroken. (See LUCY GRAY, Nov 10, 2013) We mourned Lucy for a week or two and when we couldn’t stand it any longer we headed for the ASPCA. There we saw so many wonderful cats, we couldn’t decide. Then a little black and white tuxedo kitten scampered up my husband’s leg, climbed onto his shoulder and started to purr. We named him for Jackie Robinson and took him home. Wouldn’t you? Dana Susan Lehrman
Our beloved Lucy Gray died in September at the age of 18. For a pussycat that’s a good, long life I’m told. Lucy was not a cat that meowed very much, and since she’d gotten older she wasn’t very frisky. The truth is what Lucy did most of the time was sleep. Invariably we’d come home to find her sleeping on the bed or on the couch, in the closet or on the rug, in her wicker cat bed, or curled up on a sunny windowsill. So now I wonder – as Lucy...