As you know if you’ve been faithfully reading this blog, I’m a fairly new weekend vegetable gardener. (See GARDEN PLOT, Oct. 18, 2013). But let me tell you, I’ve been learning a lot, especially about weeds. Many weekends this summer we unexpectedly found ourselves stuck in the city, and though someone was watering my plants, I hadn’t thought about the weeds. Sure enough getting back up to the country after two weeks or so, I found my garden plot looking...
I don’t go to the ballet very often, I’ve always prefered modern dance. But this past spring my friends Toby and Hannah and I saw the ABT production of Manon at the Met and we were all enchanted! I don’t remember being so taken with ballet before. I think the last ballet I saw was Sleeping Beauty a few seasons ago and it left me cold. But Manon has it all – a love triangle, an unusal Act III setting (French beauty dies in New Orleans swamp!), great...
J was my husband’s college roommate and the two have been very close since then. In fact J and his wife K are among our closest friends – we’ve vacationed and travelled abroad together, traditionally spend New Year’s Eve as a foursome, and are always there to share each others’ joys and sorrows. Yet although I love J, he once did something I found hard to forgive. It was many summers ago and we were spending the weekend at J and K’s house in the country. It was...
Walking down a tree-lined block in the East 80s the other day I passed a brownstone with a pretty patio fronting the street. There on a small table someone had left an open book. Always curious about what others are reading, I looked through the wrought iron gate to see the title — it was Beryl Markham’s 1942 memoir, West with the Night. You may know of Markham, the British-born Kenyan aviator who in 1936 became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. A free...
Like many New Yorkers, I don’t take in the local sights unless out-of-towners are in town! So recently when Chinese friends were visiting, we decided to take them to the Statue of Liberty where I probably hadn’t been since I was a school kid. Tickets to tour the pedestal or climb the crown were sold out, apparently it’s always tourist season in New York and you have to book well in advance. But we were able to get tickets for a recorded, self- guided tour around the...