Epiphany My last blog post about my literary adventures in Dublin seems to have struck a chord with several friends who asked to hear more about my love affair with James Joyce. (See HAPPY BLOOMSDAY, MR JOYCE!, June 16, 2014). So here’s the story. In the late 1960s I was spending a summer in Denver, and decided to take that fateful course, innocently entitled Three Great Novels, where I read Ulysses for the first time. Every morning I drove to the University of Colorado...
Happy Bloomsday, Mr Joyce! Many years ago just for fun I took a course called Three Great Novels, but I only remember one of them – James Joyce’s masterpiece Ulysses. It may sound like hyperbole but reading Ulysses in that class changed my life, at least my reading life, as I now measure every work of fiction I read against that great book. Since then I’ve reread Ulysses several times and every June 16th for years I’d celebrate Bloomsday at Symphony Space in New...
A dozen or so years ago my cousin Kathy called from DC and asked me to join her the following month for a Jewish women’s weekend retreat. Because geography had always kept us apart, spending a weekend with my cousin was wonderfully appealing and a women’s retreat would be a new experience for us both. Kathy and I arrived on the beautiful grounds of the Pearlstone Retreat Center in Maryland on a Friday afternoon and met the 16 other participants and the female rabbi and young cantorial...
If you’ve been faithfully reading this blog you know I broke my ankle over two years ago and it’s taken several surgeries to fix. (See MY DAD, Dec 8, 2013) Thankfully my surgeon assured me in time I’d be fine, so my greatest concern was not my slowly mending bones, rather if I’d have to miss several months of live theatre. But thankfully my will proved stronger than my wobbly ankle, and I did manage to get to the theatre despite all! And in fact I...
Lynne Truss, who wrote Eats, Shoots and Leaves: the Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, is a woman after my own heart. She dreams of a grammar police force that would hunt down and arrest merchants with ungrammatical signs in their shops and others who also abuse the King’s English. I have similiar peeves, in fact I dream of a tasteless and tacky police force. I’d send them right to East 86th Street to rescue the pear! In the 1980s the gifted graphic artist Milton...