Why I Blog

One evening over a year ago,  with no forethought that I recall,  I sat down and started writing this blog.   Some friends were already blogging and I loved reading their posts.  But though I had always enjoyed writing and had taken some writing workshops over the years (and even had a stack of unpublished letters-to-editors in my desk),  I never had the ambition or the sitzfleisch to pursue a writing life. Yet that evening the blog title  “World Thru Brown Eyes”  came to me...

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On a cold January night in 1960 a 29 year-old African American dancer and  choreographer named Alvin Ailey premiered a piece called Revelations at the 92nd St Y. Inspired by what Ailey called blood memories of his rural Texas childhood, and by Negro spirituals, gospel and the blues,  Revelations is about tribulation, human tenacity and the saving grace of music and dance. That night at the Y,  Ailey and his young troupe brought down the house and Revelations made modern dance history...

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Lacrosse – for Dick

Last month when I wrote here about my friends Celia and Dick,  (See A CUP OF SUGAR,  Nov 5, 2014)  I knew Dick’s health was failing.  Sadly that big heart gave out on November 17. Dick Lidz was a wonderful guy – bright, warm, witty, cultured, well-read and world-travelled,  a gourmand and a bon vivant, an historian and founder of a prestigious educational publishing company he ran for decades. And Celia and Dick had a wonderful marriage – their biggest...

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A Cup of Sugar – for Celia

One day,  soon after we moved to the city,  I was at home still unpacking cartons when the doorbell rang.  I opened the door to a young woman about my age. “Welcome to the building!”,  Celia said introducing herself.  “I’m baking and believe it or not,  I’ve just run out of sugar.  May I borrow a cup?” I invited her in and over tea we discovered that Celia and my husband grew up in the same Queens neighborhood,  and had...

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I didn’t start playing tennis regularly until I was middle aged.   I really love the game but sure wish I had started playing when I was younger! My parents were both athletic,  in fact my father was a really good tennis player in his youth.   After he died we found his old Wilson racket at the back of his closet,  still in its wooden press. And my mother played basketball in high school,  and was an excellent swimmer.  Growing up in the Rockaways,  she said,  you learned to...

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